Cultural do’s and don’ts


Use should to make recommendations or give advice. It can also be used to express expectation.

  • You should go to school every day.
  • I should do the laundry today.


Use must to express a strong obligation

  • I must pay the bills tonight.
  • You must fix the car.

Activity: Advice about visiting your country

Give some advice about cultural do’s and don’ts for foreign people visiting your birth country.

  • You should….
  • You shouldn’t…
  • You must…
  • You mustn’t…

Talk about:

  1. Body language
  2. Table manners
  3. Greetings
  4. Directness and indirectness
  5. Family and other relationships
  6. Gifts
  7. Hospitality and visits
  8. Religion
  9. Clothing
  10. Transport and travel
  11. Tipping
  12. Politeness
  13. Eye contact
  14. Special holidays and celebrations


Should & Shouldn’t: Write a prescription for happiness….:)

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A Prescription for Happiness




 Write a prescription for happiness using should/shouldn’t:

  1. Don’t think about your age.


  1. Try to smile as much as possible.


  1. Surround yourself with beauty.


  1. Hug someone for at least 6 seconds.


  1. Have a positive attitude.


  1. Be grateful for what you have.


  1. Always end your day with a smile on your face.




Create your own happiness list. What is your prescription for happiness? 

  1. ……………………………………………………………..
  2. ……………………………………………………………..
  3. ……………………………………………………………..
  4. ……………………………………………………………..
  5. ……………………………………………………………..
  6. ……………………………………………………………..
  7. ……………………………………………………………..

Modals of regret

Do you have any regrets?no-regrets

Use these modals to talk about your regrets:


I should have listened to my parents more when I was a teenager.  (I didn’t listen to my parents. Now I’m a poor artist who can’t pay the bills.)


I could have chosen a different career. (I didn’t like my parents’ suggestions and chose to go to art school.)


I wish I had listened to my parents. I would have been a rich doctor now. (Unfortunately, I’m just a poor artist and nobody knows my name.)

Do you know how to use modal verbs?

Can I open the window?

imagesMay I go to the washroom?

You should study more?

I can skate.

You don”t have to buy a new car.

She must move in two days.

I would rather sleep for a week.

You had better clean your room by the the time I come back.


  • Requests: can, could, will, would
  • Asking for permission: can, could, may, might
  • Advice: might, should, could
  • Commands: had better, must, will
  • Logical probability: might, may, could, must
  • Ability: can
  • Expectation: should, ought to
  • Lack of necessity: don’t have to
  • Logical impossibility: cannot
  • Necessity: must, have to
  • Preference: would rather
  • Prohibition: must not